Hi, how can we help you?
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What do you do?
We are a Company focused on mass media.
We work mainly with newspapers and formats.
What content do you make?
We make various types of content: show, scenery and channel
Where can i view your formats?
You can view our content on all our newspapers which are also multimedia platforms and on any social media.
In the future also on our streaming platform.
What else do you do?
In addition to its main focuses, our Company is also active in the design of social networks, applications for devices and various services.
In which countries can I find your company?
We are an international company and as far as TimeWorld is concerned we have local newspapers in every country
How many newspapers do you own?
We own over 100 newspapers and growing
What are Newsites?
They are sector information sites, which deal with providing specific news on economics, finance, law and healthcare.